It is possible to receive membership enrollment forms and payments any time during the year, but the bulk of this type of mail comes during the membership drive, which begins in mid-May and ends in about mid-August.
Open envelopes and date stamp in lower right-hand corner. Write check number and initial.
Check should be made out to ASU Foundation-ASURA. Check to see if additional donations are more than $100. If so send a personalized thank-you note using the Membership Chair's signature and/or that of the President. The current chair or president will provide wording to use.
Check to see if the 2nd page of an enrollment form has any boxes checked for volunteer interests. If so a second copy of both sides of the form will go to Carolyn Minner, Business Mgr.
Confirm that contact information on the form is the same as the Rolodex card and put an “R” at the bottom of the page. Some forms will not have the top part filled out because there are no changes. No action needed for Rolodex on these.
Make 2 copies of the renewal form, front side only unless the back side has volunteer information indicated. For Introductory/Free memberships make only 1 copy for Carolyn. File the original in the membership files in the lateral files in front of the desk.
If there is a check, clip it to 2 photocopies of the form and send to Carolyn.
If payment is made by credit card, it goes through Carolyn first and she will send a copy for our files. Confirm contact info on Rolodex for these and add an “R” to the bottom of the form and file in alpha membership files.
PROBLEMS: No check for a renewal? Call person and hold form at front desk with a note on it that you have contacted the individual. Include the date and your initials.
Check but no form? Fill out a membership form from one of the blank ones in the file. First and last name is enough.