Membership records

This describes responsibilities for maintaining information in the ASURA membership database.

Learn about Membership Operations


It is critical to the successful operation of ASURA that information in the membership database be as current and accurate as possible. The Membership Operations Manager has responsibility for maintaining the information in membership records based on information received.

Sources of information include forms, emails, letters, checks, phone calls, Foundation reports and communications, and returned mail (bad addresses). The person who handles emails sent to may occasionally update demographic information directly rather than pass on the requests for update.




Most members are added through the quarterly import process run by the Database Committee.

For those who enroll by sending an enrollment form:

  • Add the record using information on the form.
  • If any volunteer interests are checked on the second page/back of the form, notify the chair of the relevant committee, or the ASURA President, and include contact information or a copy of the form in your notification.


Members may choose to donate by sending a check to ASURA.

Review checks received to make sure they are made out correctly, i.e., to ASU Foundation - ASURA. The office volunteers may have already taken care of this, but it should be looked for. If they are not made out to the ASU Foundation, they may not be accepted for deposit. Therefore contact the sender, give them the choice of having the check returned or destroyed, and wait for a replacement. Do not enter the information in the database until a replacement check is received. 

Process the donations as renewals and/or optional donations.

Checks should then be deposited.


Individuals can make their membership and other donations by credit card by using the Foundation donation pages. Occasionally, they also make a donation to the Foundation by sending a check directly there. There is no automatic way for the Membership Operations Manager to be notified when someone does so. Therefore:

  • At least once a month, and much more often during the membership drive, request a report of donations made to ASURA accounts since the last report was sent (you will need to provide the dates you want to include). The request should be sent to the Foundation donation reports contact (must be logged in to this website to see this list of contacts) and to the service desk at Ask that the request be sent to the Salesforce Team (this speeds things up). Ask for a report that covers:

    Gifts to accounts:

    • G03614/FD300 - ASU Retirees Association
    • G03616/FD400 - ASU Retirees Association Scholarship
    • G05412/FD300 - ASURA Adopt-a-Family
    • G05418/FD300 - ASURA Video History Project

    Fields to list for each gift:

    • Transaction Number
    • Transaction Date
    • Gift/Pledge Date
    • Account Name
    • Amount
    • Method
    • Designation: IFAS Account
    • Designation: Donor Facing Name
  • For each credit card entry in the table:
    • Locate the member in the Wild Apricot database (see Add-update a member record). We occasionally get donations from non-members or the names are those of a partner and not in the database. In such cases you may need to ask the Foundation donations reports contact (the person you got the report from) to see if they can provide any additional information .
    • Donations to the Adopt-A-Family, Scholarship and Video History Project are processed as optional donations.
    • Donations to ASU Retiree’s Association are processed as follows:
      • if the amount is $30 process as a renewal
      • if the amount is greater than $30, process it as two donations: $30  for membership renewal and whatever is left over as an optional donation
      • If the amount is less than $30 and you think it might be a renewal, contact the member
  • Processing the renewals and optional donations generates acknowledgement messages to the donors.
  • When you are done processing a report from the Foundation, upload it (or a copy of it) to the folder called "Foundation Donation Reports" in the Financial Records folder of Wild Apricot. Name the file yymmddGiftReport, where yymmdd is the date on the report. This will make it easy to find if there is a need to refer back to it. See "Work with Wild Apricot files" for instructions on how to find and manage files on Wild Apricot.

Although members can update their own demographic information online, many prefer to request the change by sending in a form, calling the office, or sending an email to You may also need to make an update because mail sent has been returned or an email address is not working.

Occasionally you may receive a request from one of the other ASURA volunteers, most often the Database Committee, to contact a member to request updating information. If there is no viable method of contacting a non-member, archive that record. Leave current members who have no contact information in the database, with all of the contact fields blank.

Update records using information from the communication.

If any volunteer interests are checked on the second page/back of the form, notify the chair of the relevant committee, or the ASURA President, and include contact information or a copy of the form in your notification.

The Membership Operations Manager should be subscribed to ASURA's email obituaries as a means of being alerted that someone from ASU has recently passed, triggering this step. Another trigger would be if someone notifies the Membership Operations Manager directly that a person who was most likely a member has passed.

Below are the steps to follow to make sure that the membership database is updated after a death has occurred.

Look for a membership record for deceased or spouse/partner

If the obit editor has not passed along information about whether the deceased was or was not an ASURA member search the membership database to see whether the person appears.

If you can't find them, you might check various name spellings and full name vs. nickname.

If you do not find the name, see if the obituary mentions a spouse or partner and look to see if that person is a member.

If nothing shows up there is nothing more to do and you can move on to your next obituary.

Determine the membership status of the deceased

If you found a record in the database, open it and note the following:

  • Membership Status on the Membership tab - Active or Lapsed
  • Spouse's or Partner's Name on the Contact details tab under Additional Member Information - empty or not
  • Surviving Spouse/Partner on the Contact details tab under University Affiliation - Yes or No/empty

Update based on status

Read through the headings below to find the combination that matches what you found in the member record. When you find a match, update as shown.

For an active member with spouse/partner who is also a member

In this case the database records for both the deceased and the spouse/partner’s records are updated. To update:

  1. Enter Deceased Date  (on the Membership tab)..
  2. Delete any email address. Also click on the Email settings and log tab, choose edit, and check the box "disable all emails".
  3. Save the changes to the member record.
  4. Locate the membership record for the spouse or partner. 
  5. Add (Deceased YYYY) to the “Spouse’s or Partner’s Name” and save the change.

For an active member with spouse/partner who is not a member

  1. On the Membership tab, make a note of the spouse's or partner's name for use later. Then enter the name of the deceased person in the "Spouse's or Partner's Name" field, followed by "deceased mm/dd/yy", where mm/dd/yy is the date of death. Also enter the deceased person's name and date of death in the Comments field. 
  2. Change the “Surviving Spouse/Partner” indicator to “Yes” by clicking on the “Yes” radio button. This field appears below “University Affiliation”. 
  3. On the Contact Details tab for the deceased person, click on the left-most gray Edit button. Enter the name of the spouse/partner in First Name, Middle Initial, and Last Name fields, replacing the deceased member's name. Save these changes (green button at the top). 
  4. Write a condolence letter or modify a copy of the sample Condolence Letter. The main purpose of the letter is to let the recipient know that their spouse's membership in ASURA has rolled over to them. This is a membership issue so the only signator should be the Membership Chair. You can contact the Business Manager for an digital signature if needed. Mail the letter, or email it to the ASURA office and ask them to mail it.

For an active member with no known surviving spouse/partner

And for a member who is marked as a surviving spouse/partner

  1. On the Membership tab for the deceased person, click on the gray Edit button -- the left-most one of these buttons.
  2. Enter Deceased Date and save the change (green button at the top). 
  3. On the Contact Details tab for the deceased person selete any email addressAlso click on the Email settings and log tab and check the box "Disable all emails".
  4. Save the changes.

For a lapsed member

Since membership is lapsed, you do not extend membership to any surviving partner, do not set the Surviving Partner indicator or send a condolence letter. You do enter deceased date in order to stop any further mailings. We need to determine whether the person was a member last year or not in order to decide whether to archive the record: 

  1. On the Membership tab, enter Deceased Date and save the change.
  2. If "Renewal Due On" = the most recent July 1, it means the person was a member last year, and we do NOT want to archive their record. 
  3. If "Renewal Due On" is before the most recent July 1, the person was not a member last year, and we can archive their record. To do so, click on the green Archive button.

For a deceased spouse/partner of a living member

  1. Add (deceased YYYY) to name in the the Spouse's or Partner's Name data field. Save the change.

Very occasionally, a person who has been automatically added as a new Introductory member asks to have their membership canceled.

When this occurs, process the declined membership.

If any newly-imported members had bad email addresses the welcome sent by email by the database committee will not reach them, so those people should receive paper welcome letters by US mail. Note: Most bad email addresses in the file from OHR are for people whose ASU Outlook accounts were closed upon retirement, but their ASU Electronic Post Office wasn't updated to refer to a new email address.

This step should be done about a day after the welcome email message was sent.The database committee will notify you when the import is done and the email messages have been sent. Waiting gives Wild Apricot time to retry deliveries that did not succeed initially.

To find the people with bad addresses in Wild Apricot:

  • Make sure you are in Admin view. If you don't have a menu on the left, click on the home icon in the upper left to display it.
  • From the menu, choose Email, then Log.
  • At the top of the Email log there are selection options. Choose a date range that covers the date that the email welcome letters were sent out. Normally, this will have been very recently done. In the "Filter by" box, choose "Manual" and in the Search box enter "Welcome" (be sure to capitalize the W.
  • You should now see the email welcome message that was sent for this group of new retirees. Look on the right side to see the percentage of the messages that was successfully sent (green percentage) and the percentage that failed (red percentage).

    If the green percentage is 100%, this step is complete - no one needs a paper welcome letter this quarter.

    If there is a red percentage, click on it. You will see a list of the names of people who did not get the email message. Delete their email addresses and change settings in "I Want to Receive" so that all three email-only communications are unchecked. 
  • Open the saved search ImportedMembersPaper. Change the "Member since" date to the date of import, then run it. It will be empty if the import file had all good email addresses. Export any non-empty result to use as a mailing list. 
  • Send the people on the list the Membership Letter for New Retirees along with an Introductory Membership form, an ASURA self-addressed envelope, and a copy of the Used Book Drive donation form.

You will need a supply of stamps to use for this step. The Financial Operations Manager can order them for you when you need to replenish your supply.

Follow these steps to generate a list of

  • Log in to Wild Apricot
  • Make sure you are in Admin view. You can tell whether you are in Admin or Public view by looking at the button in the upper right. The button is labeled with the view you would switch to if you click on it, so, probably counter-intuitively, if the button says "Public view" you are in Admin view, and vice versa. If it says "Admin view", click on it to switch.
  • Click on Contacts - Saved searches from the menu on the left.
  • Locate the saved search "New Members for Prime Times"
  • Change the date in the "Member since" selection criterion. The date should be one day after the last list was produced, so it would be wise to keep records that make it easy to know what date that is.
  • Once you have selected the saved search click on the "Run" button and note the number of members. Finally click on the "Export" button. In the "Export contacts"  popup window select: 
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Street Address
    • City
    • State or Province
    • Zip or Postal Code
  • Click on "Export" at the bottom of the pop-up window
  • Rename the file to something you will recognize, e.g., New Members for PT, and save the file to a location you can later find. 
  • Click on the Personify logo in the upper left to restore the menu.

Send the Excel file you created to the Prime Times editor.


Updated 2 Dec 2024 by Connie McNeill